"Space Girls" by Skye Delamey
(WGA registered/US copyright. All rights reserved).
Screenplay treatment: "Space Girls" is about space girls that come to earth, for a vacation, but end up being called to save earth, and humanity by convincing their home planet, and universal "Alliance of worlds" that earth and it's people are worth saving.
*This screenplay was inspired by song by Skye Delamey entitled "The Girls," written in 2008. It is on Skye Delamey's album "Songstress Secrets: Skye's Wonderland." In 2009. Skye Delamey, was contestant on TV's "America's Got Talent" as a space girl from "The Girls" concept. See "The Girls" music video on which screenplay is based: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV4SwWY1SWo The idea entails transformation of character, and appeals to all ages.
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